2024 ELECTION: GENERAL, November 5

At 24, Doral votes elected Christi as the youngest councilwoman in Doral’s history. A year later, her colleagues chose her as the City’s Vice Mayor. In 2020, she was elected to serve as a member of the Miami-Dade District 5 School Board. In 2022, Doral voters elected Christi Fraga once again, to serve as the city’s first woman Mayor. Throughout her years of public service to Doral, Christi has been dedicated to improving the quality of life for Doral families, assisting the elderly, empowering women, increasing and enhancing educational opportunities for the city’s youth, raising awareness about mental health, increasing transit options to alleviate traffic, and supporting law enforcement to reduce crime.

VISION and platform
Mayor Fraga maintains a continuous commitment to Doral and its residents. Notwithstanding adversities and political obstacles, Christi always prioritizes the interests of the residents, aiming to fulfill her promise of leading this city towards a bright and bold future.

For Mayor Christi Fraga, it’s about keeping the promises she made to the residents of Doral. Mayor Fraga has worked to minimize traffic congestion and increase transit options, by investing in road infrastructure. She works tirelessly with the county and alongside residents to seek a definitive solution to the landfill and ensure the permanent removal of the trash incinerator plant from Doral and its surroundings.
She remains steadfast in her zero-tolerance crime policy while she continues to advocate for fiscal responsibility and efficiency. Mayor Fraga ensured that the city continues to invest in recreational spaces that will benefit families and provide leisure and additional sports program areas for our youth. As a businesswoman, she understands the need to streamline all permit procedures, especially when it comes to investing and creating new businesses in the city, making Doral the premier place to live, work, learn, play, and invest.
“It has been a tremendous honor to serve the residents of Doral since 2012. As your Mayor, I have worked to improve the quality of life of our residents and families. The people of Doral have witnessed our relentless progress, lower crime rates achieved with increased police presence, and proactive leadership we have delivered during my first fourteen months in office. I will continue my commitment to ensure that Doral remains the best and safest city in South Florida to live, work, and play. I am deeply grateful to the residents of Doral, and their unwavering support over the years, which is why I will tirelessly continue working for the best interests of us all. Therefore, I humbly ask for your continued trust and support in the upcoming election!”

Mayor Christi Fraga
working for doral
The City of Doral has been home to Christi Fraga and her Cuban-American family for over twenty years. Naturally, when the time came for Christi and her husband, Gabriel Fraga, to decide where to start a family, Doral was the only choice. Christi earned an associate degree in business administration from Miami-Dade Community College (MDCC), as well as a bachelor’s degree in financial management and accounting from Florida International University (FIU). In 2014, she also obtained a certificate from the Good Government Initiative’s Leaders in Excellence Program at the University of Miami, which was designed to cultivate ethical and leadership skills in elected officials. These achievements not only contributed to the strong foundation supporting Christi’s ability to thrive but also inspired her to embark on various endeavors, including several successful businesses based in Doral.
While pursuing her education and from the outset of her career, Christi worked simultaneously with determination and passion to become a successful entrepreneur and a community leader.
Therefore, in 2012, she decided to launch a vigorous campaign for an available position that opened on the Doral City Council. In November of that year, she was elected as the youngest person in the city’s history to serve on the Council. The following year, Christi was appointed by her colleagues to serve as Vice Mayor of the city, a position she held for three of the eight years she served on the Council. While serving as a Doral Councilwoman, Christi always exceeded her constituents’ expectations, focusing her efforts on empowering youth, women, the elderly, and the special needs community. She also undertook efforts to improve traffic, education, and support for small businesses.
To empower youth in Doral, Christi spearheaded the creation of the Youth Advisory Board, a group of young civic leaders advising the City on how to engage other young adults in governmental services. She also created the Youth Leadership Award to recognize young civic leaders for their academic excellence, leadership, and community service initiatives. To empower women, Christi served for two years as president of the Women’s Alliance Group (WAG), which focuses on improving women’s opportunities in their workplaces, also encouraging them to make a difference in their community. She has also raised funds for important community causes such as the Women’s Breast Health Initiative (WBHI), the American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Ronald McDonald House and organizations aiding the disabled, combating domestic violence, and providing free healthcare services to the community.
Christi has always been passionate about education and creating educational opportunities for students. She served on the Board of Directors of the Miami-Dade County League of Cities (MDCLC), whose members appointed her to serve on the Planning and Construction Committee of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools (SPCCS), which brought three new public schools to Doral. Christi established and promoted increased engagement with Parent-Teacher-Student Associations (PTSA) members in local schools, leading to the expansion of City PTSA Grants to fund additional programs benefiting education, the establishment of a city computer donation program to ensure a steady annual flow of computer equipment to Doral schools, and EXPO Back to School conferences for parents and educators emphasizing providing tools and resources important for promoting safe, healthy, and supportive educational environments for students. Christi also supported increased opportunities for higher education for students by serving on the Florida International University (FIU) President’s Council. She was instrumental in the creation of a City Executive Internship Program and a direct trolley route between Doral and FIU which currently makes over 250,000 trips per year and benefits over 4,500 FIU students and families. (Note: The trips should be more by now and students’ numbers also.)

Christi’s initiatives also included property tax reductions for low-income seniors, promoting fiscal responsibility, ethics, and transparency. She has continuously supported the expansion of City parks, including Legacy and Glades parks, and the aquatic facility complex at Doral Central Park which is currently under construction and should open by 2024. Christi also supports the improvement of City police facilities that will increase security and lower crime for Doral businesses as well as its residents. She advocates for road improvement projects aimed at easing traffic flow, minimizing flooding, and stabilizing Doral’s canals. She also favors public transportation and transit initiatives that promote trolley, bicycle, and pedestrian accessibility. Christi also supports information technology initiatives that will enable greater citizen digital engagement and contribute to the City of Doral’s Smart City initiatives.
As a member of the Miami-Dade School Board, the nation’s fourth-largest school district, Christi recommended improvements and voted on overseeing a $7 billion budget. She served on the Miami-Dade Values Adjustment Board and as vice-chair of the School Board’s Facilities committee, and as vice-chair of the Audit and Budget committee. During her time on the school board, Christi proposed initiatives that enhanced parent involvement and choice, improved public education, increased resources for special needs students, included financial education in schools, and emphasized the importance of curriculums that included mental health initiatives and socio-emotional learning.
Christi brings her experience and passion for working with the community; she is attentive, caring, and hardworking. She is also determined to ensure that her hard work, dedication, and collaborative spirit guarantee a bright and bold future for Doral families and have a positive impact for many years to come.
vision and platform
As Mayor of Doral, Christi is committed to continue
- Making policing and public safety our number one priority by increasing police presence and reducing crime.
- Taking a family-centered approach in all decisions, improving the quality of life for our residents.
- Advocating for low-impact development.
- Promoting effective traffic solutions.
- Demanding fiscal accountability and protecting taxpayers.
- Investing in cultural activities, infrastructure, and our parks and recreation.
- Enforcement and application of HOA and Condo legislation for the best interest of residents.
- Fighting against political corruption and mismanagement in our city government

SERVICE AND Leadership
Promises Made, Promises Kept for the people of Doral!
- Recruited and hired highly talented and ethical leadership professionals to effectively lead municipal government: a new City Manager, City Attorney, and Police Chief.
- Revoked elected officials’ lifetime pensions.
- Established Info Doral, a resource and solutions center to assist residents and business owners.
- Accelerated the construction and early opening date of Doral Central Park: Opening in 2024!
- Prioritized public safety and implemented a zero-tolerance approach to crime.
- Enforced transparency and accountability.
- Established a senior ride-share program, improving transit and mobility while providing free transportation for our elderly citizens.
- Invested in enhancing infrastructure, storm drainage systems, and maintenance throughout the city.
- Fought for low-impact development and responsible growth.
- Expanded community event

Fiscal Responsibility Results
Voted in favor of lowering and maintaining the 2nd lowest property tax rate in Miami-Dade County.
Participated in the design and opening of Doral Legacy and Doral Glades Park which occurred without any need for Citizen Paid Bonds.
Established a Building Repair and Replacement Fund to ensure the future sustainability of City-owned buildings and properties.
Supported legislation to establish The Florida Property Assessed Clean Energy Program (PACE) to allow property owners to obtain upfront financing for making energy-related home improvements.
Quality of Life Results
Supported the expansion of city parks and recreational facilities which now include eight (8) parks with 121 acres of combined green space and recreational facilities.
Supported traffic signal retiming to alleviate traffic congestion and improve travel times within major thoroughfares.
Sponsored Doral’s participation in Earthday events and additional Green Initiatives.
Sponsored legislation to regulate short-term rentals within City limits.
Sponsored eliminating permit fees for the use of Solar Panels to incentivize residents to use Solar Energy in our community.
Sponsored legislation supporting the educational campaign regarding the equal treatment of individuals with Service animals.
Supported lobbying efforts at the state-level resulting in over $2M in grants for road, stormwater, and canal stabilization improvement projects.
Advocated and participated in recruiting of the first Hospital (Jackson Memorial) established within the City of Doral.
Advocated for controlled development and reduced density.
Public Safety & Transportation Results
Sponsored legislation to regulate massage therapy establishment to prevent human trafficking activity in Doral.
Advocated and supported for community policing strategies, for additional police presence at Doral schools and for initiatives that increase public safety and minimize crime in our community.
Supported the expansion of Police facilities, including the building of a police substation, as well as additional training, and state-of-the art equipment (body-worn cameras) for law enforcement officers.
Supported the enhancement of Doral’s Trolley system which in 2012 had two (2) routes, five (5) trolleys, and 200,000 users to now include four (4) routes, twelve (12) trolleys, and over 700,000 users.
Results for Seniors
Sponsored the adoption of the senior long-term resident homestead exemption to provide tax relief to the elderly in our community.
Sponsored the AAA Seniors and Teens Defensive Driving Program to be offered at our City Parks for lower insurance rates
Sponsored the AARP Foundation Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) to help seniors increase their job skills, build self-confidence, and share their life-long experience by filling jobs at no cost or risk to the City.
Established the “Elderly Home Alone Program” which creates a periodic check-in procedure, through the police department, to ensure the health and safety of seniors living along.
Education Results
Created, sponsored and held over 5 Back to School EXPO’s and conferences with an emphasis on equipping parents and families with important tools, resources and topics that help formulate safe, healthy, and supportive educational environments for our youth. The events also promote communication between parents, school administrators, and local government in the hope of finding additional ways in which we can all work together to reach the goals that educators and parents have identified for their respective institutions.
Advocated for additional security measures and police presence within Doral schools.
Sponsored the creation of Doral’s College Madness Event to assist high school Students and their families be better prepared for College.
Sponsored the creation of a Youth Advisory Board to enhance youth civic responsibility and service to the community.
Sponsored a grant program for young adults within Doral community to attend the Biznovator Camp, a camp focused on entrepreneurship.
Sponsored the Take Stock in Children Mentorship program within the city of Doral which provides full-tuition college scholarships for mentees.
Created and supervised the City of Doral Computer Donation program which donates the City’s surplus computer equipment to Doral schools through the South Florida Digital Alliance
Supported expansion of PTSA Grants to fund additional programs to benefit education within our community.
Supported the expansion of the City’s educational facilities by serving on the Miami-Dade County Public School Planning Site and Construction Committee. Today, Doral has over ten highly-rated public, charter, and private schools and over ten colleges, universities, and technical schools.
Supported establishing the Executive Internship Program to provide work-experience to our college-educated youth.
Envisioned, worked, and sponsored the establishment of a direct Trolley Route between Doral and FIU to both alleviate traffic on 107th Ave and enhance educational opportunities for Doral’s college-bound youth.
State Cabinet & Legislature

Representative David Borrero (R)

Representative Alex Rizo (R),
HD-112, Chairman, Republican Party of Miami-Dade

Representative Danny Perez (R),
HD – 116, Speaker-Designate of the Florida House
School board

Dan Espino
School Board District

Monica Colucci
School Board District 8

Commissioner Anthony Rodriguez
District 10 & Vice Chairman

Commissioner Kevin Cabrera
District 6

Commissioner Kionne McGhee
District 9

Commissioner Roberto Gonzalez
District 11

Commissioner Rene Garcia
District 13
Municipal Officials

Councilman Rafael Pineyro
Doral Seat 1

Mayor Jose “Pepe” Diaz
City of Sweetwater

Mayor Esteban “Steve” Bovo
City of Hialeah

Mayor Roberto Martell
Town of Medley

Mayor Eric Diaz Padron
City of West Miami

Mayor Vince C. Lago
City of Coral Gables

Commissioner Ivan Chavez
City of West Miami

Commissioner Manolo Reyes
City of Miami District 4
- South Florida Police Benevolent Association (PBA)
- Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)
- Christian Family Coalition – Only Candidate with Highly Qualified Rating
- Hispanic Police Officers Association (HPOA)
- Miami Association of Realtors
2024 ELECTION: GENERAL, November 5
Make checks payable and mail to:
Christi Fraga Campaign
9600 NW 25th Street, 2ADoral, FL 33172
Maximum contribution allowed under Florida’s campaign finance law is $1,000 per individual person, corporate entity, and/or Political Committee.
Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
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